
Career matters are a big deal right now, as the flashy lights of Leo season are hitting your public-facing tenth house through the first few weeks of the month, highlighting your talents and longterm goals. Your Scorpio horoscope for August 2023 is full of lots of opportunities to strut your stuff, so be ready to shine.

The month begins with a full moon, which asks you to take a break from your professional grind to focus on your private life. Are your domestic relationships and living situations providing you with the foundation you need for your upward growth? Clear up any drama with housemates or redecorate your space in an unconventional way to make your one-of-a-kind self feel more at ease. Your traditional ruler Mars will be vibing out with lucky Jupiter alongside this lunation, giving you the energy and excitement needed to make any of these necessary adjustments.

StyleCaster | Leo 2023 Horoscope

StyleCaster | Zodiac Signs as Types of Weather Conditions

Value-oriented Venus is retrograding through your career sector all month, and the new moon on August 16 gives you a chance to hone in on the lessons it’s been serving. You may feel pulled toward a completely unexpected calling or feel like certain things about your professional life are less important to you than they used to be. Honor these feelings and stay open to new opportunities that could come about during this time.

StyleCaster | Weekly Horoscope For Every Zodiac Sign
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A week later, Virgo season begins and kicks up the energy in your chart’s community sector, making it a great time to network with new people in your field or spend more time enjoying group events with friends. Just be aware that Mercury retrograde kicks off here on the very same day, so social misunderstandings or scheduling snags could make connecting a little more difficult.

The month wraps up with a second full moon, this time in fellow water sign Pisces. This is an ultra-inspiring time to buckle down and focus on any creative projects that require more structure than you’ve been able to devote to them. It’s also a great time to reinforce your boundaries when it comes to dating and romance—an especially fruitful endeavor as we wrap up Venus retrograde.
